Creating Dynamic Paintings from PhotosWith Georganna Lenssen
April 20–21, 2024
Creating Dynamic Paintings from Photosw/Georganna Lenssen
April 20 & 21
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Successfully producing expressive, painterly paintings from photographs requires a knowledge of both the advantages and potential pitfalls of photographic sources. While providing useful visual information, photos often mislead – distorting subjects and flattening the picture plane.
In this workshop students will use photographs as a point of departure, a reference point from which information will selectively and intelligently be drawn. Students will be encouraged to develop a more defined understanding of their connection to their selected subjects.
Developing an enhanced visual awareness of compositional design, the importance of shapes, color harmony and paint application is critically important. This workshop will help students learn to “see” as painters. They will be challenged to take chances, be bold, expressive and spontaneous. Various approaches to using photographs will be introduced and discussed. Group and individual critiques will be given. The workshop will be challenging, the environment supportive, fun and positive.