Painterly PastelsWith Louise Dusinberre
January 18 – February 22, 2024
Painterly Pastelsw/Louise Dusinberre
A six (6) session course
Whether you are a true beginner or looking to further your skills in the medium of chalk pastels, join me for a 6-week introductory class.
Learn to see, interpret and record with more confidence!
Find inspiration working from autumnal still life set ups and focus on the fundamental aspects of design: Composition, Shape, Value, Color, Form and Texture.
Enjoy the process of making art and find your unique style.
Demonstrations and plenty of individual attention + critiques will be offered each week.
Student grade supplies will be available however, a supply list is below for those who may want to purchase their own supplies in advance.
Pencils 4B, or 6B Vine charcoal Kneaded eraser
Chalk pastels- “Sennelier” is a good beginner set Hard pastel sticks – “Prismacolor Nu Pastels” Newsprint or a sketch pad
Pastel paper- CANSON Mi Tientes 12 x 16 Optional- an inexpensive portfolio to store your work Optional- Reworkable Fixative
You can order these basic supplies from Dickblick.com or go to Michaels Arts + Crafts store (there is one in King of Prussia)
Another great resource is Dakotapastels.com for a wider range of papers and pastels.