WORKSHOP: Kids Cook – BLT Saturdays, B = BREAKFASTWith Birgit Eichinger
Saturday, January 27, 2024
WORKSHOP: Kids Cook – BLT Saturdaysw/ Chef Birgit Eichinger
Saturday, January 27th
1:30 – 3:30pm
Ages: 10+The BLT culinary workshops are available for 3 consecutive Saturdays, with a focus on “B” for breakfasts, “L” for lunches and “T” for treats & dinner.Students learn culinary & life skills such as: cooking as a team, prep & time management, develop their pallets, get exposed to different foods & spices, food creativity, kitchen vocabulary and more!Students are encouraged to sign up for 1, 2 or ALL 3 Kids Cook Saturday workshops. Each Saturday workshop will produce one complete meal plus 2-3 xtras. All ingredients and a recipe cookbook are included.This Kids Cook BLT Saturday listing is for a 2-hour workshop, focusing on the letter “B” = BREAKFASTS.