Past Exhibition
Artist Equity Fall Members’ Exhibition
September 7 – October 4, 2014
An Exhibition of Work in all Fine Art Media by current members of Philadelphia, Tri-State Artist Equity. The mission of Artists Equity (AE) is to advance and serve the profession of the visual fine artist in the tri-state region. Artists Equity is a business association for the professional fine artist. AE was founded in 1949 to provide a forum for visual artists in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware to collectively address the concerns of the profession. The purpose of AE is to work for improved economic conditions for artists and for the protection and expansion of artists’ rights.Over 61 years, AE has successfully promoted legislation and public policies for the benefit of visual artists. These efforts have resulted in the following important pieces of legislation passedby Congress:
> A law was passed in 1986 which exempted visual artists from the 1986 tax revision which would have made it almost impossible for artists to deduct their expenses from Federal taxes.
>The Visual Artists’ Rights Act which was passed in 1990 now provides artists new “moral rights” or the right to promote artworks from intentional mutilation or destruction after they leave the artist’s possession.
>A law passed in 1988 required that art materials containing chronically toxic substances be labeled appropriately. Also in 1988 the U.S. adopted the International Copyright agreement which eliminated the requirement for the unsightly copyright Notice.
>Artists Equity established the 1% ordinance in Philadelphia for works of art to be included in newly constructed municipal buildings. The program which began in 1959 has been adopted by hundreds of local and state governments, as well as the federal government. The program was the first of its kind and has helped many sculptors, painters, and other fine artists have their work in public places.
>AE sponsors events that inform the public about art.
>AE sponsors events that inform artists about grants and fellowships, marketing, gallery
presentation, business practices, and other business related issues.
>AE publishes a Newsletter two times a year with articles directly addressing legal and business issues that artists face. AE also sends a monthly email newsletter to members with additional opportunities for artists.
>AE provides exhibition opportunities at upper tier venues including museums and universities.
>Membership in Artists Equity is open to any professional fine artist.
>Programs and events are open to the public. More information can be found at the web site www.artistsequity.org
JUROR: Maxine Manges
Maxine Krinsky Manges is from Glen Mills, PA and received her Bachelors of Fine Art Honors from Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since graduating, Manges has had a wide range of professional experience with art. As well as being a professional artist, she has served as an art teacher, art school and gallery director, and art consultant.
Manges is transitioning from being an art consultant to painting full time. As the president and founder of MkM Fine Art, Inc. in Glen Mills, PA, a company which acquires and installs fine art in corporations and healthcare facilities she spends some time guiding emerging artists in the functions of being a professional artist.