Past Exhibition
Craft Forms 2012
November 30, 2012 – January 30, 2013
View the Catalog
2012 Juror – Cindi Strauss
Cindi Strauss is Assistant Director, Programming and Curator for Modern and Contemporary Decorative Arts and Design at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. She holds a BA with honors in Art History from Hamilton College and an MA in the History of Decorative Arts from the Cooper-Hewitt/Parsons School of Design. Cindi is a member of the board of the American Craft Council and the Advisory Council of the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft and has served as a grant evaluator for the Pew Charitable Trust and the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design.
In her dual roles at the MFAH, Cindi is responsible for the acquisition, research, and exhibition of post-1900 decorative arts, design, and craft as well as leading the architect search and developing the program for the MFAH’s new building for post-1900 art. She has made numerous collection acquisitions, including the Helen Williams Drutt Collection of Contemporary Jewelry, the Carol Straus Collection of Fiber Art, the Garth Clark and Mark Del Vecchio Collection of Contemporary Ceramics, and most recently, the Leatrice and Melvin Eagle Collection of Contemporary Craft.
In her time at the MFAH, Cindi has curated over twenty exhibitions relating to her field. Recent exhibitions include Form Follows Function: Celebrating the American Institute of Architects Houston Design Collection at the MFAH; the traveling show Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection; The Past Made Present: Contemporary Art and Memory; and Liquid Lines: Exploring the Language of Contemporary Metal. In addition to writing the catalogue for the Ornament as Art exhibition, Cindi has authored or contributed to four major catalogues on craft and design media as well as written extensively for journals. She has also delivered lectures on craft and design topics at museums across the United States as well as at national symposia and art fairs. Currently, Cindi is working on the upcoming exhibition and catalogue for the Garth Clark and Mark Del Vecchio Collection of Contemporary Ceramics, opening at the MFAH in March 2012.
1ST PRIZE: Whitney Forsyth
2ND PRIZE: Yuka Okane Inoue
3RD PRIZE: Abigail Scheer
Miriam Carpenter
Heidi Field-Alvarez
Gabrielle Miles Silverlight
Lauren McAdams Selden
All Artists:
Tristyn A Albright, PA
Elizabeth S Alexander, NC
Liz Alpert Fay, CT
PJ Anderson, Manitoba
Dona L Anderson, WA
Sam Bateman, WA
Barbara C Bix, PA
Nisa Blackmon, IL
Susan Bleckner-Heller, NY
Nancy J Blum, WI
Eric Boos AZ
Juan Carlos Caballero-Perez, NY
Miriam E Carpenter, PA
Renée W Chase, NJ
Diane Chen KW, HI
Bongsang Cho, GA
Eunsuh Choi, NY
Nikolaj Christensen, PA
Hoyeon Chung, IL
William M Clyma, OK
Nikki Couppee, CA
Constance J Crenshaw, GA
Dan de Vos, PA
Emily A Dvorin, CA
Tracy A Fiegl, NY
Heidi Field-Alvarez, VA
Ron F Fleming, OK
Whitney Forsyth, OK
Al Fox, GA
Grace M Gaynor, IL
Katie Glusica, GA
Joshua A Goss, ME
Patricia J Gruninger, TX
Karen Gubitz, IL
April Marie Hale, MT
Ann J Harwell, NC
Passle Helminski, PA
Ross Hilgers Hilgers, MN
Jennifer Holt, AZ
Mi-Sook Hur, NC
Yuka Okane Inoue, IL
Susan Iverson, VA
Manuela E Jimenez, RI
Deborah A Johnson, DE
Chung-im Kim, ON
Sun Kyoung Kim, IL
David L Knopp, MD
Barbara Knuth, WA
Jocelyn Kolb, PA
Deborah Kruger, MA
Richard A Laufer, MD
Sungyeoul Lee, IN
Dana Lehrer Danze, VA
Melissa A Lovingood, IA
Jason P Lyons, PA
Kenneth C MacBain, NJ
Bob Marsh, MI
Jillian Matthews, RI
Lauren McAdams Selden, TX
Jennifer McCurdy, MA
Patricia Mink, TN
Daniel Molnar, PA
Dan Molyneux, MA
Shawna Munro, Manitoba
Dominie M Nash, MD
Helen Otterson, ND
Vince G Palacios, CA
Joo Hyung Park, Korea
Sharron Parker, NC
Erin Paulson, PA
Michael C Radyk, PA
Ruth Reifen, NY
Jennifer A Reis, KY
Marian Robinson, PA
Claire S Rogers, PA
Hidetoshi Sadohara, NY
Abigail Scheer, NE
Ellen Schiffman, CT
Susan Schulz, PA
Marcie Schwartzman, NY
Chuck Sharbaugh, MI
Grace Sheese, IL
Steve Shelby, IN
Helen Shirk, CA
Gabrielle Miles Silverlight, PA
Madeline E Smith, PA
Suzanne Stumpf, MA
Hiromi Suter, MA
Brett A Thomas, FL
Joan Ulrich, VA
Jeffrey A Vick, VA
Robyn Weatherley, PA
Tong Jia Wei, Taiwan
Sandra K Wilcoxon, IL
Wu Ching-Chih, Taiwan
Douglas Wunder, PA
Thoryn C Ziemba, TN

Yuka Okane Inoue

Abigail Scheer
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