Past Exhibition
Spring Off the Wall 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Spring Off The Wall will feature over 150 original two dimensional artworks donated by some of the regions best artists. 8 X10 inch paintings in oil, watercolor, pastel, acrylic and photographic works will grace the walls of the Davenport Gallery at the Wayne Art Center on the evening of March 25th. All work is anonymously displayed and will be on sale for $100. Any art collector, serious or otherwise, will find something of interest to purchase.
Guests will have a chance to preview all artwork that evening from 6-7 pm. Following the preview, guests will be admitted into the Davenport Galley by lottery, and will have one minute to make a selection and literally take the work “Off the Wall”. Thank you for providing framing during the evening for those wishing to leave with a finished piece. All frames offered by the Great Frame Up will be sold at $60 per frame. The first one hundred frames will be donated and subsequent profit from sales will be split at 65% to The Great Frame Up and 35% to the Wayne Art Center
Spring Off The Wall is a wonderful opportunity to promote art appreciation. It serves to build a new audience of collectors and stimulate interest in the visual arts. Anyone can acquire an original piece of art at a very affordable price whether a collector or first-time buyer. The Wayne Art Center is grateful to all the artists who have donated artwork as well as to you for providing the finishing touches. It is our hope that this event will serve to promote and increase everyone’s visibility in our community.
Top of page: Priscilla Bohlen, Bird on the Loose